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How to Contest a Trust in California
If your loved one recently died and you feel concerned about the way their estate plan was executed or amended, you may be wondering how to contest a trust in California. A trust contest is a form of trust litigation that centers on the validity of the document itself or the manner in which it was created or altered.
In order to contest an estate plan, you must have the legal standing to do so. California law holds that only an interested party may challenge a trust or will. An interested party is someone who stands to inherit from the estate, including:
The contesting party typically bears the burden of proof in a trust contest. This means that they must effectively demonstrate to a judge in a court trial that the trust instrument was created in an illegitimate manner. The exception to this rule would be if they are able to shift the burden of proof.
Here are 5 valid reasons to contest a trust in California:
After the death of the settlor, the successor trustee must send out a notice to the trust beneficiaries within 60 days of the date of death. This notice provides basic details concerning the trust administration process and how to request a copy of the trust.
This notice also triggers a statute of limitations, or deadline to contest the trust, under the California Probate Code. Beneficiaries have 120 days after the date this notice was mailed out, or 60 days from the date a copy of the trust is delivered to them, to contest the trust (whichever date is later).
Many revocable trusts have a “no-contest clause”, a section of the trust document intended to prohibit anyone from challenging or overturning the trust in court after the settlor’s death. A no-contest clause generally states that anyone who contests the trust will be disinherited.
Should you still contest a trust if it contains a no-contest clause? If the trust or amendment you are contesting disinherited you anyway, then you may not have much to lose by contesting the trust as far as losing an inheritance. If you have a strong case and stand to inherit a large sum if you can overturn the trust, it may be worth the cost of the legal battle.
Also, if you have “probable cause”, meaning a valid reason to contest the trust, the no-contest clause will probably not be enforced against you. Consult with an experienced trust litigator for counsel on your personal circumstances.
To contest a trust, your first step will be to find an experienced trust litigation lawyer to represent you. In your initial consultation, the attorney will likely want to review the trust document if you have it and any evidence you may have to support your claim. They can then offer their opinion on your likelihood of success and lay out options going forward.
If you don’t have access to all of the evidence yet, that’s ok. The attorney you hire can likely obtain a copy of the decedent’s estate planning documents and subpoena supporting evidence such as financial or medical records.
Overturning a trust can be challenging, but it is possible if you possess solid evidence that the document was created or updated in an illegitimate manner. If you have any questions on how to contest a trust in California, feel free to contact our law firm.
The Law Offices of Daniel A. Hunt is a California law firm specializing in Estate Planning; Trust Administration & Litigation; Probate; and Conservatorships. We've helped over 10,000 clients find peace of mind. We serve clients throughout the greater Sacramento region and the state of California.